Undergraduate Engineering Programs Contribute to Learning Outcomes

The Benchworks Undergraduate Engineering Exit Assessments measure program effectiveness from the student’s perspective. The results illuminate which dimensions of the program are the strongest and which areas need to be improved. In 2013-14,the EBI Undergraduate Engineering Assessment was completed by 11,956 respondents.  This report highlights key findings of the assessments, describing how engineering programs contribute to learning outcomes related to professional values, core competencies, and technical skills.

Overall, the majority of respondents reported that their engineering program had enhanced key skills and abilities, including interpreting data, designing a system to meet desired needs, functioning on multidisciplinary teams, and using modern engineering tools. The quality of student/faculty interaction was related to all student learning outcomes. Those students who indicated higher levels of quality of student/faculty interaction were more likely to report that the program enhanced their abilities and skills. Likewise, student satisfaction with the level of camaraderie with fellow students is also highly related to student learning.

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